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“Vive ___!”


“Vive le roi!” is French for “Long live the king!” “À bas le roi!” is French for “Down with the king!”, which was a phrase often heard during the French Revolution.

“Vive le Roi” is a French phrase that translates to “Long live the king” in English. It is an expression used historically to wish a long and prosperous reign to a reigning monarch or leader. The phrase is often associated with monarchies and has been used in various contexts throughout history.

“Vive le Roi” has been employed during coronations, celebrations, and other events to express loyalty, support, and goodwill towards the reigning monarch. It was particularly common in France during periods when the country had a monarchy.

While the phrase originated in a monarchical context, it has also been used in a broader sense to express support for leaders or figures with significant influence. However, its historical association with monarchy remains prominent.


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